Friday, October 16, 2009




Chromatography.  That's a weird  name isn’t it?  But it’s science so that's what we’re talking about today.  Chromatography is something scientists can use to identify criminals by notes they left.  You can do Chromatography.



You will need

4 different branded pens,4 pieces of either paper towel or thick paper and 4 cups.



Directions : 1.  Fill the cups with water.

                  2.  Color a circle of ink on each of paper towel. Make

sure to put a different branded pen on each piece  of paper towel.  3.  Dip the pieces of paper towel into the cups of water with the pen side up.    What happens.       


The water starts to creep up the paper towel and the ink separates into several different colors!

here's something about Chromatography.

Monday, June 8, 2009

This is what I call ants in action.

2009-06-08 005                                 

It only been 3 days since I got the ants and they’ve already dug 7 tunnels!

did you know? ants go to the bathroom in a certain place!           

 2009-06-08 010

Friday, June 5, 2009

harvester ants in action

We just got some harvester ants. we put them in our ant works container. this is what harvester ants look like in action.

you might not believe this but ants can carry up to four times their weight. did you know most of the colony is female. the queen only produces one to two males a year!  

ants day 1 001 ants day 1 002 ants day 1 009 ants day 1 011 ants day 1 014

Saturday, March 14, 2009

why do volcanoes erupt?

well I will show you and tell you. first watch the video then I’ve got a article.



how do diet coke and mentos react?

well I show you and tell you. first watch the video called diet coke and mentos. then I've got an article for you.  here is a article  

the mentos have holes in them . carbon bubbles come out the bubbles out so fast it makes a eruption.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How do plants get there food?

Well the roots suck up the water.The water goes up the stem and into the leaves. The leaves suck air in through tiny holes. Things called chloroplasts catch sun light and mix the air and water into the sun light. Then they squirt out a kind of sugar. 


read this Wikipedia article 

this is the inside of a chloroplast.

how do rainbows form?

Well rainbows form like this.  after it rains the sun shines down on earth. The water bends the light and separates the 6 different colors from the light. How? White light is filed with color and water separates them.   



read this Wikipedia article